Redefining Me

Redefining Me It’s funny how you can categorize your life into different segments. I had: My Youthful Era My Singleton Era My Married but Fancy Free Era My Becoming Mum Era And then there is now............ Redefining Mum What is now?  I’m having trouble defining who I am right now, what segment of my life am I currently living? When I was single, how I look played a big part of my … [Read more...]

Moving Out !

Moving Out ! We had packed the car up with all the necessary requirements for my son’s moving into halls of residence at university. I didn’t for a minute expect how this would impact on my life. Oh how I was looking forward to having the kids flown the nest and having time to do things as a couple that in the years of rearing children never seem to happen as their needs always seem to come … [Read more...]

Consistency in Parenting

On the Importance of Consistency in Parenting Consistency is one of the most important concepts in life. Be it in your personal life, professional career, family system, romantic relationships, or friendships, consistency is key to understanding what you want and what you can get out of a situation. There is no area where consistency is more essential than in parenting. Children of any age thrive … [Read more...]

Naptime – As Dr. Phil says, “This isn’t my first Rodeo”

Naptime  -Yes it is ! I have 4 children.  My youngest is 20 months old.  Going on 5…because he’s the youngest.   And the next stage we’ve entered is the ‘climbing out of the cot and wanting to sleep in a real bed like everyone else’ stage. It’s fine. He’s a little younger than the others were but that’s okay.  I am prepared to do the ‘put toddler to bed, toddler gets up, put toddler back to bed, … [Read more...]