21 Days of Tiny Steps to a Happier Me

Any type of behavioural change takes time. There are some truly amazing people that can decide to change something and can do it overnight. I am not one of these. My head is full of wonderful intent yet  lacking the go and get them attitude when it comes down to the crunch. I can beat myself up over pretty much anything and the words "It's my fault" replay in my head on a daily basis. The irony … [Read more...]

Child Abuse happens with someone you know and trust. How to teach your child to say no.

I was asked by Marita from Stuff with Thing if I could write a post on how to empower child on the spectrum or with different needs to protect them against child abuse. I was honoured to consult with  Holly-ann Martin the founder and Managing Director of Safe4Kids  who wrote this post on protecting our children from child abuse. I believe this advice can help all children. Children that may need … [Read more...]

Child Behaviour: How to build Resilience in our children

Resilience the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Traumatic issues whether emotional or physical abuse take much longer to recover from, some stay with you for the rest of your life, you move on the best you can. Some days will be hellish and some days a little better. This post is about increasing resilience in our children in everyday situations at home and at school. Resilience … [Read more...]

Social Media Behaviour: Sitting on the Fence

Working with children keeps me sane. Sane to the extent that their honesty and innocence is refreshing. They rarely hold grudges and speak their mind. I get on with kids. As adults we too speak our minds but we can hold a grudge, my word can we hold a grudge. Perhaps I lack adult interaction actually I know I do. Therefore I love the connections and friendships I have made via Facebook, Twitter … [Read more...]

Behaviour: Beating myself up. It is all my fault. I only have myself to blame.

Are you a self blamer? I am. When things do not got to plan, it is practically always my fault. I grew up with this self blame notion and am pretty sure I have an it is all my fault gene.  I could and still can apply it is all my fault to pretty much anything. From not being picked to join a team even though I had trained so very hard to blaming myself in moments of being bullied. My fault gene in … [Read more...]

Behaviour; What do you find unacceptable?

Behaviour; What do you find unacceptable? It has been an emotional year on many fronts, not only for me but for many of you, such is life an ever changing situation, that we cannot control. As a child I craved adulthood imagining that as a grown up it would be easier to change and comprehend the ins and outs of human behaviour and the complexity of our world. Why does someone abuse a child? Why … [Read more...]

Overloaded…Overwhelmed… Over It…

Overloaded... Overwhelmed... Over It... Forty days have passed since my mother moved into high care and the world continues. Forty days since I last blogged and the world continues. Forty days it has taken me to feel OK. If you pass me on the street I look OK, if you speak to me I sound OK because what you cannot see with your eyes I am dealing with inside. That is my emotional mechanism and what … [Read more...]