Appreciation: The recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. Gratitude for something.

Appreciation should be done daily

I have a small task for you today. Yes I know how busy you are but this will only take a few seconds every couple of hours. It’s a great mood enhancer and we already know how our behaviour can ricochet down the line and affect all those around us, especially our children.

I understand that no ones life is perfect and we all have  our own daily issues to deal with. Some days are better than others  and some days are total shockers. But we get up the next day, and carry on, even if we are just going through the motions. We can continue to go through the motions but we can also try to make ourselves feel  a little better and perhaps even have a small smile on our  face. Just a little smile can release  a few happiness endorphins. Being happy for a a moment is better than never.

Appreciation To do List

Every two to three  hours today see if you can do  some of  the points on this list

  • Start with just appreciating something about yourself- your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your sense of humour, your hair, your hands, a talent you have
  • Appreciation for something in your current view- a book , a flower, a tree, the sunshine, your phone, a photograph, the music you may be listening too
  • Appreciation for a random person  in your life – a teacher, bank teller, GP
  • Appreciation for someone close in your life –  a partner, a friend, a parent , an auntie, a grandparent.
  • Appreciation of  a quality in your children- their innocence, their joy for life, their giggles, their cheekiness, their unconditional love for you
  • Appreciation that you are doing what you can, no more or no less is actually necessary to make you stop and appreciate what you already have.
  • Appreciation that for every challenge you face, although it’s never  immediately obvious, there is a lesson there that will make you stronger.
  • Appreciation for YOU  and say  ” You know what  I’m awesome, I’m here, I’m alive and I rock”.
  • Appreciate how quickly time passes by (I actually panic when I think of this) and really try to enjoy a few special moments each day.
  • Appreciate that living things are changeable, it may take time but situations do change nothing is static for ever
  • Appreciate that you have got this far
  • Appreciation of  the past but don’t dwell too much on it, because you are appreciating today.

Appreciation my List

  • I appreciate my sarcastic sense of humour
  • I appreciate Guy Sebastian’s Song “Whose that girl” makes me sing and dance like a crazy teen
  • I appreciate the lady at my local video shop  she always pays me a compliment (no matter how I look) and reduces my late fees
  • I appreciate my hubby- he loves me , my mother- she loves me and my girlfriends – they love me (Ihope)
  • I appreciate Miss 15’s honesty and her rolling eyes and Mr 6’s superpowers of turning into an alien chicken
  • I appreciate not losing the plot this morning and  not going into panic stations when I overslept by two hours
  • I appreciate that the challenges I have faced have made me who I am today
  • I appreciate that “I am awesome, I’m here, I’m alive and I rock” (well in my eyes and that’s what’s important)
  • I appreciate the moments when I remember to stop and enjoy what’s going on around me
  • I appreciate the changes that have occurred, they took a while but things are so much better now
  • I appreciate how far I have got today , even though I’m running late- nothing really awful will happen
  • I appreciate the past, meeting my husband and deciding to get married after three weeks and eighteen years later we proved the sceptics wrong (holiday romances can last )

So there you go, I have no idea what your situation is like but I hope you can introduce  some small moments of appreciation into your life.

Let me know what you appreciate

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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