Child Behaviour Consultancy Easy Peasy Kids has a new home

Nearly three years ago I decided to follow my dream of working with children and changing their behaviour and I established Easy Peasy Kids. My dream is now very real, I live it everyday and I'm totally loving every single moment. My initial dream had also factored in; more time at home, no stress being my own boss, seeing families and children perhaps once a week which would allow for heaps of … [Read more...]

Parenting: What would you like your children to remember most about you?

Warning: This Post has Upset some People due to it's nature. The last thing I want is for anyone to feel worse after reading. It is about Life and death and only MY EXPERIENCES.   I think about death. I think about me dying suddenly. Gone forever.  This last year I've seen and lived through people I love die. Good people that were part of my life, people who played a big role in your lives … [Read more...]

After school activities: The over scheduled child.

Working with children takes every ounce of energy I have and then some, with possibly a glass of red at the end of the day. Their enthusiasm never ceases to bring me right into their moment, of course it helps that my career is centred around children and their behaviour. After twenty years I still have nothing concrete to give you, no magic answers. I see patterns, I see uniqueness and I see … [Read more...]

Child Behaviour: How to build Resilience in our children

Resilience the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Traumatic issues whether emotional or physical abuse take much longer to recover from, some stay with you for the rest of your life, you move on the best you can. Some days will be hellish and some days a little better. This post is about increasing resilience in our children in everyday situations at home and at school. Resilience … [Read more...]

Behaviour: Beating myself up. It is all my fault. I only have myself to blame.

Are you a self blamer? I am. When things do not got to plan, it is practically always my fault. I grew up with this self blame notion and am pretty sure I have an it is all my fault gene.  I could and still can apply it is all my fault to pretty much anything. From not being picked to join a team even though I had trained so very hard to blaming myself in moments of being bullied. My fault gene in … [Read more...]

Behaviour: How to have a little more patience and kindness in the New Year

Behaviour: How to have a little more patience and kindness in  the New Year Every day I want to get more done, every day I want more hours just to finish anything fully. Yet the time in a day never changes, it is a constant non changing amount of time. I am one of those rushed people always racing to get somewhere or get something done. I don't want to be rushed anymore. I want to slow down a … [Read more...]

Motherhood – Totally Unprepared and I still am!

Motherhood - Totally Unprepared!   Nothing in the world can prepare you for Motherhood.  No matter what you read or get told. There are not enough adjectives, verbs or nouns to describe Motherhood. I remember very clearly when one of my best friend from school had her first baby. My beautiful, super organised, glamourous girlfriend; opening the front door, looking absolutely petrified, … [Read more...]