Child Behaviour Consultancy Easy Peasy Kids has a new home

Nearly three years ago I decided to follow my dream of working with children and changing their behaviour and I established Easy Peasy Kids. My dream is now very real, I live it everyday and I’m totally loving every single moment. My initial dream had also factored in; more time at home, no stress being my own boss, seeing families and children perhaps once a week which would allow for heaps of time for my research, studying, writing and some serious lounging on the couch.  The reality is working the longest hours ever, late dinners of toasted sandwiches, unclean uniforms sprayed with Impulse for Miss 17 and Lynx for Mr 8 and collapsing into bed fully dressed. Plus throw in emotional grief from deaths as life has no guarantees, illnesses, caring for my mum who is no longer here but always in in my heart, a full hip and thigh bone replacement and  life lessons I would never ever though I could have dealt with, yet my dream has grown beyond anything I ever imagined. There a so many people to thank, that gave me their time, advice and support and I owe them big time and of course those that read my occasional blog post, the blogging community and friendships formed and so many that have rallied around with moral support over the last three years from Facebook followers, bloggers, friends and family.

Introducing the new team at Easy Peasy Kids

The new website was designed by the most patient person in the whole world Kelly Exeter of Swish Design. Kelly has put up with my grumpy days, changing my mind every hour  few minutes and an huge support on my venting days.

I am grinning from ear to ear knowing that I have my beautiful and wise friend Martine from the Modern Parent as an associate consultant and speaker on board to help teenagers, their families and her huge wealth of knowledge on navigating the online world with your children.

Contributors and writers for Easy Peasy Kids went through a rigourous selection test in that I love what they write and blog about. Please meet and welcome three awesome bloggers Sharon from Twitchy Corner  “I’m for the underdog and want to see more kindness and compassion, and less bullying or ignorance. Living daily with ASD and ADHD in our household is partly what gives me my personal perspective on life and its quirks.”

As I advocate for children to play as much as possible as through play they learn so much and it is fun, two dedicated learning through play contributors.  The very lovely Kate Grono from The Craft Train “Mother of two and blogger at The Craft Train. I aim to keep our craft ideas simple, achievable, inexpensive and creative – oh, and fun too.”

The equally lovely  Bekka Joy from Just for Daisy “Formally a teacher and now mum to two girls  and devoted to providing enriching and engaging playing and learning activities”

I know I may have over used the word lovely but they are, so I am surrounded by loveliness. One of the perks of being your own boss.

Assisting me to organise, schedule, respond to emails and keeping me on track the very efficient Lisa from Assist You Now.

Managing my PR, speaking events, marketing, sponsorship, workshops, book launches (yes that is plural) and work life the team at Agents of Influence.

All these wonderful people found through the social media channels of  Twitter, Facebook and the blogging world and to think that three years ago I didn’t even know what a blog was. Until Alli fro Motivating Mum pushed me to write and introduced me to the world of Twitter and blogs, eternally grateful and recommend her business one million per cent.  I also received invaluable advice and time from Darren Rowse – Problogger, Trevor Young and Nicole Avery –Planning Queen.

What’s next for Easy Peasy Kids?

A continuation of support for children, families and schools. Some serious fundraising for Foundation 18  in keeping with my mum’s ethos of supporting a cause with a passion with half of any advertising  (Special festive rate of $1oo) going directly to support this cause and you can also purchase the most original handmade gifts at Cabo Pickles. Every little bit helps.

Newsletter finally being launched  before Christmas, the Happier You Program, workshops on child behaviour and the pilot scheme of Kind Eyes instilling emotional values for others to reduce bullying going ahead and being  implemented across schools due to its success so far.

I’m exhausted, happy, emotional and thankful. I love working with children and finally accept that yes they do allow me into their world, we do connect and this has allowed me to learn so much from them and make this my area of expertise . I will continue to advocate that there is a lot more to a child’s behaviour than what we see, that each child is an individual with their own passions and that parents are the experts because they know their child better than anyone else.

Easy Peasy Kids

Easy Peasy Kids


If you ever feel like sharing a parenting moment, some tips, play ideas or anything that fits in with the Easy Peasy Kids ethos drop me a line and I will happily have you as a guest blogger.

Now off to farewell my baby girl who is off to schoolies.

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. CONGRATULATIONS Nathalie and the team at Easy Peasy Kids. You should feel very proud of what you have achieved Nathalie and thousands of children are benefiting from your expertise, kindness and compassion. Wishing you continued success and looking forward to the release(s) of your books. xx

  2. Congrats – so exciting to watch your biz grow!!!

  3. congratulation. I am a mum of two kids & love reading your articles and learn a lot about how I should behave with my kids to bring out the good behavior in them .Thanks a lot and keep up the inspiring work.

  4. Jacinta says

    congrats!!! I love reading the things you put up, and I take note and try them with my 3, thanks for everything 🙂

  5. Wow, this all sounds so exciting! How wonderful to have this all in place now and what a fabulous team you have got together there! Onwards and upwards and I can’t wait to follow along 🙂 x

  6. Jack Parwata says

    Congratulations Nathalie! All the work you have done has bought you great success! I look forward to seeing you soon!! 🙂 xx

  7. So exciting to see all your dreams coming to fruition! You inspire me with your passion and I know you new team will continue to do that too!

  8. Oh my gosh so exciting!
    Thank you so much for having me, I really look forward to being more involved with you and your other Easy Peasy Kids associates and readers.
    Congratulations Nathalie, your hard work and vision sure pays off.
    Enjoy a safe schoolies, Miss 17! xxxxx

  9. Nathalie, this is so inspiring. Congratulations and may you and your team (and clients) continue to grow and mutually prosper from all these wonderful changes. Such passion surely reaps the best rewards. xxx Kirrily

  10. It’s really exciting to see you and your business grow and the way you’ve established lovely relationships along the way. We’re proud to be working with you.

  11. Thrilled to have been watching you grow and grow and grow. And expect to keep on seeing more and more of the same.

  12. I’ll be stopping by even more frequently now. Congratulations!

  13. Exciting day Nathalie, congratulations to you and keep up the amazing work xx

  14. What a wonderful team and what a lovely way to honor them. You are such a thoughtful person Nathalie! xx

  15. Love your new home, Nat, and am so excited for you. You are such an inspiration 🙂

  16. What a journey to achieve all that you have! Congratulations 🙂 Exciting times ahead and I wish you continued success. I look forward to supporting you.

  17. Nat, it’s been such a joy to watch your grow over the last years in this online space. I’m just so proud of what you do! x

  18. Great things are clearly continuing to happen over at Easy Peasy Kids. Great team and can’t wait to see more. 🙂

  19. I love everything about this! What a great team and space! I hope for many great things for your future.

  20. Love your new site, it’s gorgeous! Congratulations on building a great blog and business too. xxx
    PS. I am glad to hear Impulse is still going strong!

  21. Congratulations lovely lady on all that you do and for continuing to help families find joy and laughter everyday. I am so honoured to be working with you and look forward to a great year next year. Love you lots x

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