It’s OK to be just OK

It’s OK to be just OK

It’s OK not be full of happiness every moment of everyday

It’s OK to be exactly who you are

It’s OK to have left overs for tea

It’s OK to question things

It’s OK to move on

It’s OK to potter

It’s OK to change your mind

It’s OK to leave the bed unmade

It’s OK to have cereal for dinner

It’s OK to skip the bath

It’s OK to stay up later

Its OK to wear odd socks

It’s OK to leave the laundry

It’s OK to burn the toast

It’s OK to stay in your PJ’s

It’s OK to stop

It’s OK to laugh

It’s OK to worry

It’s OK to sleep with your make up on

It’s OK to have a messy car

It’s OK to feel flat

It’s OK to Cry

It’s OK to want to feel appreciated

It’s OK to say Sorry

It’s OK to eat chocolate

It’s OK to dance in your undies

It’s OK to sing out loud

It’s OK to just feel OK

Some days are just “An I’m OK day” and that’s perfectly OK

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. its ok to LOVE LOVE LOVE this post too 😉 hehehe xxx

  2. Love this post. It will be my day tomorrow!

  3. I have only just read this wonderful post. Thank you Nathalie! I am one of those mums who worry about everything. I tend to feel guilty all the time. It is so incredibly draining. I have four kids and I just can’t bath them all every day. So it is every second day on a rotation thing lol. Those days that I feel good, am relaxed and just go with the flow, I feel so alive and so full of energy. Thank you, this post is for me <3

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