It’s OK to be just OK
It’s OK not be full of happiness every moment of everyday
It’s OK to be exactly who you are
It’s OK to have left overs for tea
It’s OK to question things
It’s OK to move on
It’s OK to potter
It’s OK to change your mind
It’s OK to leave the bed unmade
It’s OK to have cereal for dinner
It’s OK to skip the bath
It’s OK to stay up later
Its OK to wear odd socks
It’s OK to leave the laundry
It’s OK to burn the toast
It’s OK to stay in your PJ’s
It’s OK to stop
It’s OK to laugh
It’s OK to worry
It’s OK to sleep with your make up on
It’s OK to have a messy car
It’s OK to feel flat
It’s OK to Cry
It’s OK to want to feel appreciated
It’s OK to say Sorry
It’s OK to eat chocolate
It’s OK to dance in your undies
It’s OK to sing out loud
It’s OK to just feel OK
Some days are just “An I’m OK day” and that’s perfectly OK
its ok to LOVE LOVE LOVE this post too 😉 hehehe xxx
Love this post. It will be my day tomorrow!
I have only just read this wonderful post. Thank you Nathalie! I am one of those mums who worry about everything. I tend to feel guilty all the time. It is so incredibly draining. I have four kids and I just can’t bath them all every day. So it is every second day on a rotation thing lol. Those days that I feel good, am relaxed and just go with the flow, I feel so alive and so full of energy. Thank you, this post is for me <3