My Happy Place Day Eighteen

My Happy Place Day Eighteen

My son Mr 6 was a blade of grass in his school production, never would I have thought that watching a blade of grass would make me happy.

Mr 6’s enthusiasm in anything he does is catching, he fully lives each and every moment with a smile.

A blade of grass with so much passion certainly makes me happy.


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Love Nathalie X

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Rachelle says

    Your son seems to be an awesome little man=D. I have been finding to hard to find happy moments over the last few days, but today I’m renewed as I have had my hair done. Months overdue do this afternoon I feel fabulous. Hoping it has a knock on effect=D

  2. Love the blade of grass.. my son (M1) came home yesterday saying he wanted to take up playing the trumpet (which is his father’s main instrument) because “you know how I like being on stage, and in front of everybody….” Couldn’t help but make me smile…. happy moment for day 18!

    Love also your sons continual beautiful outlook. I bet he made an awesome blade of grass, and I hope you soaked up all those proud mummy feelings.


    • Sooz I can sense the change in you from your comments and it lovely to have you here. Amazing how our happy moments come from our children xx

  3. debbie says

    Oh he looks so cute and proud!!

    My Happy 18# Was talking to my Nana on her 85th birthday. We have always been close and ever since I can remember she has told me I am her sunshine to her everyday she would all ways sing the song to me and now I sing it to her. I have called her everyday for years and over the last year I sometimes call 2 or 3 times, now that she is finding it hard to remember things. I can tell when she is having a bad day and call her again a few hours later to have the same conversation. I don’t mind I love her so much and know my calls mean the world to her and brighten her day, in turn brighting mine.

  4. Natalie Villa says

    I love your son, what a cutie!
    Thank God its Friday, just being Friday makes me feel happier. But my moment of happiness came after the kids had arrived from school. I cut up some mangoes, and the three of us sat outside on the verandah eating them. Not sure what it was exactly, the warm weather, the smell of the mangoes or the fact that we had mango all over our faces but we were all happy. It’s was a special moment.

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