My Happy Place Day Twenty Five

My Happy Place Day Twenty Five

I really tried today to catch up on the pile of work in my office, I didn’t get as much done as I hoped but still feel good about what I achieved. Normally I’d be annoyed I didn’t get everything done but I believe I always underestimate how long a task will take. So some ticks of a to do list are better than no ticks.

I even managed to write on post  Biting as the last few weeks I’ve been working playing with some children who were biters.

I was also interviewed about my thoughts on a new parenting book and way and behold I liked the book. They were hoping I would be against it but I do think it was very credible and well thought out. It will be interesting to see how my quotes turn up in print.

My Happy Place – Me Time

So although I worked hard I also rewarded myself, nothing too flash or fancy . I went to the ensuite and had a bath, I stayed in the bath for a whole 15 minutes reading and I thoroughly enjoyed the relaxation -it was heaven.

I practiced what I’m always banging on about getting some time for yourself, no matter how brief and it works felt very pampered – it is the simple things.

I’ve just noticed that this is my 100th post Woohoo 🙂


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Love Nathalie X

All comments go through moderation, sometimes they may take a while to appear and that’s because I’m the moderator and may not be here to moderate. I will also try and respond to all comments but that may not be straight away.

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Natalie Villa says

    That’s good! We always give everyone the best advice but never take it ourselves 🙂 Glad you finally did, yes you work way too hard!!!
    My happy moment today… Working with my year 7 students! They are sweet girls, struggling but always happy. It amazes me how some people are always positive even when they have no idea what is happening in class. I think as adults we stress way too much! I hope by spending so much time with these girls that I’ll pick up some great habits. I really do hope so, cause life is way too short to stress!

    • Teen girls have so much going on in their heads and the realisation of the real world, yet their positivity is catching. We do stress a lot when we grow up, something we have to learn to change xx

  2. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S my friend & colleague.
    B E S T. P A R T …… you took time for Y O U.

  3. Awww the 100 kisses went AWOL to the right! Sorry Nat!

  4. Catherine says

    Mmmm “me time!” Today I get no kids time but it is in the form of a 10 hour work day! However, I’ve booked in me time for tomorrow – the thought should get me through the day! My happy place is laughing at Mr 3. I love how he mixes up his words so what he says has a totally different meaning. “this is my “bum” (thumb) mummy. I have 2 “bums” mummy! There are many more examples but in typically fashion I’ve forgotten as I’ve sat down to write. However, I’ll be sure to enjoy them throughout the week.

    • Love the cuteness of mixed up words, my Mr 6 still does it and it alwys makes me smile. Hope your 10 hour day whooshes by so you can enjoy your me time tomorrow xx

  5. Georgie U says

    Lurve baths! My happy place today is my bestest friend. She so helps me keep it real, and always knows just the right thing to say at the right time. Funny, talented, and wise. Just had a phone chat and might be going for coffee today.

  6. debbie says

    mmm can’t think of any today. Sure there was some but none stand out. Oh maybe a work phone chat, some work plans are being finalised and its and awesome opportunity for me to work from home and manage my owe time. Thats exciting for me 🙂

  7. Oooo, a bath AND a book! That’s definitely a good part to any day!

  8. My happy place is with sibling Love. My brothers and I are very different, yet the bond we have is pure and fabulous!

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