My Happy Place Day Twenty Seven
My Happy Place today is realising how much music keeps me going. I listen to all types of music. I play music in the car, when I wake up, when we have dinner and at least once a day I have a dance. The dancing can be on my own, with the kids , or as a family, there are no set rules.
Mr 6 dances his little booty off everyday and has dance moves that I have no idea where he has picked them up. But he dances with all his heart and soul.
I sing and dance with all my heart and soul, yet I will never be a star at Rod Laver in my head I am. That makes me happy.
My Happy Place Stars Julio Iglesias
As a little girl, my father played Julio Iglesias all the time. I can still visualise the cassette player and the tapes until he upgraded to a record player and stereo. Juli sang at our house in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. My mum and dad would sing and dance along and I’d join in. Julio was so much in my life I’m sure I thought he was a relative, an uncle I had yet to meet.
Well Julio is back in my life, Julio is my friend, Julio is what makes my mum happy. Therefore Julio makes me happy.
I play Julio in the morning as I wake her, she doesn’t look as confused or upset when she hears Julio and myself duetting her awake. Julio sings at night when she wakes and gently soothes her back to sleep. I know the word to all his songs and whatever Julio makes her remember, although she cannot verbalise it she is laughing and happy.
I took mum to see Julio when he came to Melbourne two years ago, she was a little sad he looked old. She remembers young hunky Julio but she did love the concert.
So today Music and specifically Julio Iglesias make me Happy. I have Julio playing whenever we are doing something it makes mum Happy, so thank you Julio.
You Can Link Up Your Blog Below, Or Leave Your Happy Thoughts In The Comments Section. Love Nathalie X
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OMG! Sometimes I read ur Blog & I relate so much & forsee my future. My parents also loved Julio. Mum loves Julio. I notice as time goes by
& she forgets things. She still remembers songs, word for word. Ur so right Music is so imp. Thanks For reminding me!
Sandra keep the music playing, it will make your mum so happy and if you ever need a chat you know where I am xx
That’s sweet, music can make us all feel so many different emotions, happy & sad. Its nice that Julio can make your mum feel happy! I think he has that effect on most mums, including mine!
My happy moment today, was having dinner at my parents. I love watching my parents argue (tease each other) I love how my brother and I say that “we are the favorite child”, I love how my kids joke with my parents & how my hubby and my brother get along. Oh, and let’s not forget the food, cause that’s ALWAYS good! So, yes, it was a fun/happy evening, am looking forward to the next!
Your family sounds divine, last night we all sat outside and I love watching the dynamics of our family, the joking, the laughter and the music game we play, Good food too is always a bonus xx
Julio makes me both happy and sad since my dad passed…Also, Frank Sinatra and Andrea Bocelli. Playing their music can bring me closer to beautiful memories but also grief.
I enjoy hearing about your relationship with your mum. It must be so challenging for you all and yet the tender love always shines through when you mention her x
The grief is always there but does ease with time, the music will bring the memories both happy and sad. Your dad will always live through you and then your children. Big Hugs to you beautiful xx
Music is a big part of our life here – but I really should play it more. It is such a good mood shifter! Love putting on some classic 80s and dancing around.
My M1 has just come home from school wanting to learn the trumpet, this makes me happy because it is something special he can do with his dad (who is a music teacher) as it is his Dad’s main instrument – so lessons can be from him. That is my Happy Moment for today.
Nathalie, keep playing the music. You sound so much happier these days, and even though your journey ahead will be tough and sometimes bumpy, a soundtrack will keep you sane.
Music shifts my mood so quickly, that now when ever I feel a little Urgh coming on I turn on the music nice and loud. How fab that M1 gets to be tuaght my daddy a great way to connect with the same passion xx Ps I am much happier xx
I love all kinds of music too and my kids are all dancers. My oldest sings and performs in musicals. My younger two are on a competitive dance team. In fact, just came from a community event where they both danced. This was their first team performance of the new season, so it was exciting to see the new dances. Watching my kids perform always makes me happy. They are completely comfortable in front of audiences (which is so unlike me!)
They sound like very happy, passionate children doing something that they love. xx
My dad loved Julio too, he was always playing his songs, when my dad got an 8 track music system (remember those) he thought it was the biz. Listening to Begin the Beguine makes me both smile & cry, smile because it brings back such happy memories in Spain with my dad & sad because I miss him so x
I miss my dad too but always imagine him happy as he listened to his mate Julio. xx
I’m really NOT a Julio fan, so I’m very grateful Mum loves Burt Bacharach.
I think Julio is in my blood now x