My Happy Place Day Twenty Two
My Happy Place today is that I’m so looking forward to an early night, not much sleeping going on last night as mum was on her awake in the middle of the night cycle.
I am happy that I got through the day, in jet lagged kind of way and normally this would make me quite grumpy being tired.
I am sure the coffee and odd chocolate treats helped keep my energy going from completely flat – lining.
My Happy Place – Crashing & Burning Like A Kid
Being as tired as I was or as I am, bought me to the happy place of where kids just crash and burn, no matter where they are. I’d love to do that again. Falling asleep or pretending to be asleep in the car so you’d get carried straight to bed, falling asleep in the middle of your dinner and falling asleep on the couch knowing mum or dad would carry you to bed. I miss that I want to be carried to bed too and fall asleep at the dinner table 🙂
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Love Nathalie X
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Sweet dreams Nathalie.
Those are happy memories for me too. Especially, as I am deaf, I could sleep through anything with my hearing aids off! I loved sleeping in the car, especially on long trips we will have had a bed made up for us in the back of the station wagon! Those were to days. Or lie across the back seat. No wonder the little ones these days look so uncomfortable stapled in car seats, their heads falling forward, looking like it may snap off. I am forever pushing little heads back while they are sleeping in the car! They must end up with sore necks. Hmmm. Must go and enjoy some sleep now. Happy dreams!
I know what you mean I remember the lulling baby heads in those seats and the drool. xx
Hi 🙂
Wanted to share yesterday’s Happy Place – my mother’s whole family has come in from all around the world and we gathered yesterday to celebrate my grandmother’s 90th birthday.
It was truly special – imagine the photos with 4 generations spanning 2-90 years old 🙂
My children loved the day and I decided not to be paranoid mom and let them have TWO pieces of cake (albeit small) 🙂
Have a great week ahead,
PS: I ALSO want to be carried to bed!! 🙂
Wow Sylva Thats sounds so wonderful, 4 generations together a very happy place indeed. xx
Hi beautiful! We ladies definitely need a day where we can just sleep all day long 🙂
My happy moment today was talking to my friends via conference call. We do this most nights, talk about our day & it’s nice to have someone actually listen when you speak. We usually laugh like crazy, sing songs and tease our husbands! I always go to sleep with a smile on my face! Thanx Sandra and Ange… Lol their even helping me with ideas for my happy moment! Gee I have good friends 🙂
Conference friend calling, thats sound like so much fun. Love your friendship wuth your friends, really rocks, you are a very special lady xx
Love that memory! We all did that “I’ll pretend I’m asleep so Dad will carry me inside”
My Happy Place of Mon 31 Oct was when miss 2 yo hadn’t woken happily after day time sleep. I sensed her tiredness ( 3 huge yawns are a giveaway!)
So, I said “cuddle with Grandma?” & she did.
Both of us lay back on the couch.
She slept for another 45 minutes on my chest.
I “had” to sleep too, yeah?
Just perfect, having a nanna nap is a must with your granddaughter xx
My happy place today is probably more “relief” place – we have started toilet training and achieved one success undies on! Fingers crossed that the idea of wee on the potty might work!
Yeah to a sucessful day of toilet training. They may still have the odd accident but undies is definitely the way to go x
Early nights can be delicious! Hope tonight is a better one for you!
My happy place today was the fact that for the first time ever, my two littlest had preschool together this afternoon for two hours – two blissful hours to myself (and I won’t feel guilty for enjoying it!) I had a swim, a coffee and slice, got my ears pierced a second hole in each (my mum always said that was trashy, I’m sure she’ll forgive me though!) and grabbed some cheap photo frames. Looking forward to putting them to use.
I think it recharged my batteries a bit. Had a good giggly morning with the family to.
Slept like a log for 4hours straight, then she woke but 4hours is good . I’m glad you don’t feel guilty and enjoyed your very needed me time. Love the second earring, I got a tattoo last month 😉 xx
I had a very tough day yesterday. My mother questioned my parenting style and suggested I adopt hers. It left me shaken and unfortunately forced me to justify my decision by revealing some secrets from my childhood which I never thought I would have to share with her. That, in turn, has left her shaken, and I hate doing that to my Mum because I know that she does what she does because she loves me.
So the whole day was clouded with my preoccupation of that situation, BUT I had to force myself out of it because it was Kinder Cup day at Mr 4’s kinder and there was a strawberry & “champagne” morning tea plus a horse race. The look on Mr 4’s beaming face was priceless, as I won the “Mummy” horse race while carrying Mr 1.
Dearest Krys I’m sorry to hear the issues with your mum. Before my mum had Alzheimers, she always questioned my parenting even though I was the school teacher and the student of child bheaviour. Perhaps it just needed to be out in the open and I’m pretty sure that you will both work through it. Yet you still found a happy moments at Kinder and well done for winning the race. xx Big hugs xx
those pics made me smile.
I miss my babies being that little and falling asleep sprawled out on the floor watching Disney movies.
My daughter was a disney floor sleeper too, hope you are well gorgeous xx