R U OK? So simple yet so hard

R U OK?  So simple yet so hard

 My  work ensures that everyday my question is R U OK?

I wished I’d asked my girlfriend R U OK?

I  ask mothers that I work with  R U OK?

I wished I’d asked my girlfriend R U OK?

I ask the children that I work with R U OK?

I wished I’d asked my girlfriend R U OK?

I now ask many everyday R U OK?

My angel girlfriend makes me feel this way.

It’s become part of me to ask R U OK?

No need strings attached, I want nothing back just making sure U R OK.

My angel girlfriend was scared to speak and say “I’m not OK”

I think of her everyday and will keep on asking those I meet “R U OK?”

Yes it’s hard at times to find the time to ask  “R U OK”

Yet the time is now , not yesterday or tomorrow to feel OK

If you can’t ask R U OK? ‘cos you don’t feel OK

Make sure you say you are not OK as someone will understand and take you by the hand

and help you on the path to feeling a little better and if OK is all you feel

It’s OK to feel OK.



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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Beautiful post. And I also think it is just as important we take the time to listen to their answer and not necessarily accept it at face value. I know all too well how easy it is to dismiss the concern of others when we really do want or need to share how we’re doing. I think this day is a positive starting point for what needs to be a really meaningful dialogue.

  2. Lovely post. So thoughtful. I agree, it’s important to step back and really look at the people around us and see if they’re ok. Being less self-involved is something we could all do better at 🙂

  3. I ask the same question to many people everyday. I want to say to them, it is ok not to be ok. Share and we can work through it together. We all have bad days and moments. Be honest and trust me.

  4. Linda H says

    I think RUOK day is a wonderful idea – but I have to say the other side of the issue is people being willing to actually admit when they are NOT ok. We are such a proud and self-sufficient, independent society, and too often we stay quiet rather than cry out when we are in need. Don’t cry in front of anyone, don’t show you are hurting. I really do hope that tomorrow if someone truly in need of help is asked “RUOK” they are brave enough to answer “No I’m not”.

  5. Beautiful post for RU OK Day! There wouldn’t be many around who have not been touched by suicide or depression. I too had a friend that wasn’t OK, and over the almost 20 years since he took his life I’ve thought many times of how the outcome might have been different if one of us had asked if he was OK, really OK. Thanks for the post, I might go and have a cry now, because it’s OK to cry if you need to 🙂

  6. rachel says

    love the intiative behind the R U OK day great blog post

  7. Gabby H says

    Excellent post for a great cause. Publicity of this day made our immediate family ask each & everyone ‘R U OK’ it makes you realize that sometimes it’s those closest to you that you over look. It was such an important & warming exercise. Love your posts.

  8. I think you do a great job everyday, reassuring people that being them is well and truly enough, just through your blog and your facebook page. Well done on that.

  9. It’s such a quick and easy thing to do isn’t it? May it be for every day and not just RUOK day

  10. Such a lovely post. Very well written. xx

  11. That must have been hard to write Nathalie, but it certainly touched my heart, knowing what you know and what you see every day.

    I know you have had so much going on and I am ever so grateful that you still found that bit extra to share with everyone for ruokday 2011 bloggers collective. I think about you often and all that you’ve got to ‘cope’ with and I know from your FB status that you’re a bit flat today. I hope you get some rest tonight and tomorrow is a bit easier, whether you are ‘maria’ or not. xxxxx thinking of you, gemma

  12. Amanda Gorton says

    Great article, really touched my emotions – we should be asking R U OK everyday, not just when we are reminded.

  13. Jessie Boan says

    This is a great reminder to ask everyone if they are okay – especially if you think they aren’t!

  14. Sandra G says

    Beautifully written, and from the heart. I believe R U OK Day will soon take on the same following as Breast Cancer has in the last few years. Mental Illness Awareness and Cancer Awareness are my passions. Who would have believed fifty years ago, that our genes are the cause (and inspiration) of who we are. Thanks for putting R U OK Day on the blogging agenda.

  15. Carmen Jay says

    Much love and hugs. xxx

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