My Happy Place Day 14 My happy place today is all about friendship the beautiful friendships I have made throughout my life both back in school and right up to now. But it is also an apology to my gorgeous girlfriends both here in Australia and back in the UK at my absolute slackness in keeping in touch over this last year. My only excuse is that life has got in the way. Life has just been busy, … [Read more...]
My Happy Place Day Five
14/10/2011 By 30 Comments
My Happy Place Day Five Today my Happy Place is right here as I type, I look forward to coming into my office and spending sometime remembering my Happy moments, especially when the week has been very busy. This morning I felt I should catch up on a heap a work, I owe many guest posts and some reviews and give aways, yet for some reason or another I was not really in the mood, … [Read more...]