Boys and Dolls My follow up to the fabulous post by Kate from Picklebums on "Boy's don't play with dolls or do they?" I do get ask many questions regarding what appropriate toys, boys should be playing with, what long term effects it will have on them and my two regular questions are in the context of boys and dolls "Will it make him soft?" and "Will he be gay?" I can only put these questions … [Read more...]
Nursery rhymes “The Grand Old Duke of York has left the building….”
20/04/2011 By 2 Comments
Nursery rhymes let's keep singing them He had 10,000 men, He marched them up to the top of the hill, then he marched them down again. When they were up, they were up and when they were down they were down, they were down. And when they were only half way up they were neither up or down. Nursery rhymes we grew up with Can you remember singing your heart out to Nursery rhymes. The Nursery ryhmes … [Read more...]