Any type of behavioural change takes time. There are some truly amazing people that can decide to change something and can do it overnight. I am not one of these. My head is full of wonderful intent yet lacking the go and get them attitude when it comes down to the crunch. I can beat myself up over pretty much anything and the words "It's my fault" replay in my head on a daily basis. The irony … [Read more...]
“Do you feel Invisible? Treated as if not seen”
Do you feel Invisible?"Invisible - Treated as if not seen" Invisible; that feeling of being totally alone, even when surrounded by people. Invisible; when entering the school playground and all the friendships are all ready formed, so you stand back on the side lines and smile whilst inside you wonder why? Why don't they like me? Invisible; when you go through a whole day and not one person has … [Read more...]
My Happy Place Day Twenty Eight
My Happy Place Day Twenty Eight Well that weekend went a little quickly, as it always does. I had a lovely weekend, I took the day off yesterday and chillaxed with the family and a gorgeous girlfriend that came around. We had a barbeque and sat around talking, having a drink or two five - bliss. So Saturday was a very Happy moment that lasted all day. Today was also good but what I have in … [Read more...]
My Happy Place Day 14
My Happy Place Day 14 My happy place today is all about friendship the beautiful friendships I have made throughout my life both back in school and right up to now. But it is also an apology to my gorgeous girlfriends both here in Australia and back in the UK at my absolute slackness in keeping in touch over this last year. My only excuse is that life has got in the way. Life has just been busy, … [Read more...]