Confession: 17 years of ‘mothering fails’

I have a seventeen year old daughter, she's in her final year of high school. Next year my Miss 17 is off to see the world on a gap  year. My baby girl is a woman. Every day I'm amazed that she's all grown up, it blows me away. Before she was born I read every book available on having children. I wanted to parent 100% spot on. No parenting fails for me. It didn't quite work out like the perfect … [Read more...]

Behaviour: I have two faces. Do you?

Does anyone really know you? Do they know what goes in inside your head? Do they share the voices that you hear? Do they smile outwardly and hide the emotional pain they feel constantly? Is your day a constant one step forward, two steps back?  I fall into all of the above and I'm sure that I'm not alone. We have friends to share how we feel with, although we are scared to dump too much on them, … [Read more...]

But how do I change my behaviour?

So you really want to change? You feel down in the dumps, flatlining at the end of the day, it was a tough day, most days are and you get through them. We all have bad days, some people have absolutely horrific days everyday. My perception of my bad day, will not match yours. They are non comparable. There are far too many factors making us who we are alongside our own personal situation to … [Read more...]

21 Days of Tiny Steps to a Happier Me

Any type of behavioural change takes time. There are some truly amazing people that can decide to change something and can do it overnight. I am not one of these. My head is full of wonderful intent yet  lacking the go and get them attitude when it comes down to the crunch. I can beat myself up over pretty much anything and the words "It's my fault" replay in my head on a daily basis. The irony … [Read more...]

Behaviour: Beating myself up. It is all my fault. I only have myself to blame.

Are you a self blamer? I am. When things do not got to plan, it is practically always my fault. I grew up with this self blame notion and am pretty sure I have an it is all my fault gene.  I could and still can apply it is all my fault to pretty much anything. From not being picked to join a team even though I had trained so very hard to blaming myself in moments of being bullied. My fault gene in … [Read more...]

Behaviour: How to have a little more patience and kindness in the New Year

Behaviour: How to have a little more patience and kindness in  the New Year Every day I want to get more done, every day I want more hours just to finish anything fully. Yet the time in a day never changes, it is a constant non changing amount of time. I am one of those rushed people always racing to get somewhere or get something done. I don't want to be rushed anymore. I want to slow down a … [Read more...]

Behaviour; What do you find unacceptable?

Behaviour; What do you find unacceptable? It has been an emotional year on many fronts, not only for me but for many of you, such is life an ever changing situation, that we cannot control. As a child I craved adulthood imagining that as a grown up it would be easier to change and comprehend the ins and outs of human behaviour and the complexity of our world. Why does someone abuse a child? Why … [Read more...]