Kindness Poem


 Kindness is my favourite word.

Kindness begins with loving  and accepting who you are.

Kindness is an essential value.

Kindness is what we must teach our children.

Kindness is so much better than nastiness.

Kindness makes us feel good.

Kindness does not mean you want some thing back.

Kindness is being thoughtful.

Kindness is a smile.

Kindness is a please and thank you.

Kindness is understanding.

Kindness comes from the heart

Kindness is saying sorry.

Kindness is non- judgemental.

Kindness is not a present in a box.

Kindness is considerate.

Kindness is not jealous.

Kindness is a hug.

Kindness is sometimes just saying “Hello”

Kindness is looking out for others.

Kindness isn’t expensive.

Kindness is actually free.

Kindness is listening.

Kindness is not rudeness.

Kindness is being helpful.

Kindness shows concern.

Kindness is being  gentle.

Kindness means beauty from the inside.

Kindness is not just once a week.

Kindness is everyday.

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Love this post hun
    Its so easy to forget how easy and impprtant it is to be kind to others.
    I believe in Karma what you put out there you will get 10 fold in return not only that just a simple hello cam make someones day
    Kindness dosent come naturally to some but it isnt hard to change that

  2. I am always ranting on about kindness to my children. If they come out at the end of their time with me with this one quality I will have succeeded.
    I have been told by a few mums that mr6 talks alot about how important it is to be kind on playdates.

  3. Just my thing. I love the poem and oh so true. Thank you fro sharing this with us.

  4. Sharon Loosmore says

    I am involved in a school program in Ellensburg WA to teach the Elementary Code of the West to students. Each year we sponsor an art and writing contest and then display all entires and our Fair Grounds during an event called “Spririt of the West” This year our theme is BE KIND TO OTHERS. We are putting together a fun booklet for students grades K-5 and 6-8 with activites to inspire them. I like your website and wonder if we could use the poems about kindness. Thank you Sharon Loosmore

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