“The dirt is clean dirt”
My son Mr 9. loved showers and baths. Then he started to grow up.
“Mum I don’t need a shower tonight because….”
- I didn’t run today
- I had one yesterday
- I went swimming
- I got wet in the rain
- I sprayed dad’s deodorant on me
- I used a wet wipe under my arms
- I haven’t used the toilet much
- My spine hurts (on questioning he didn’t know where his spine was)
- My undies are clean -Look!
- I wiped my dirty feet by spitting on a tissue
- I walked slowly today
- I didn’t get hot today
- I had one the day before yesterday
- I don’t think my friend is having one tonight
- We can have long cuddles instead
- I haven’t jumped on the trampoline
- I need to finish writing my book
- At school I learnt some germs are good
- I haven’t picked my nose much
- It is the weekend tomorrow
- It is the holidays
- It is too cold, too hot, too light, too dark
- I have art tomorrow, so I might as well wait
- We should save water
- It’s too difficult to take my dragon onesie off
- I’ve picked the mud off
- My socks don’t smell
- It’s Christmas day
- It’s my Birthday
- When I read stories, no one ever goes to have a shower
- The dog has been licking me
- My hair is looking cool
- The dirt on my feet is clean dirt
Tell me what excuses have your children come up with to avoid showering?
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Nathalie Brown
Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.
Loved the excuses! Specially number 15!!
Ha ha, mine are too young to try this on yet – but I can’t wait until they do!
love the excuses!
hehe!! Very compelling reasons! Although I hate showering since it often comes with the door open, seating and snacks prepared for two little ones and usually having to jump out quickly to resolve some kind of squabble! I joke a little but often shower at night once they’re in bed so I can savour the moment!! Or early in the morning before they wake – showering while they’re up and about is too tricky!!
I’m a night shower person too but only so I can stay in bed a little longer.
Oh Natalie- thank you for the laugh.
Your son is quite right about #30. I don’t know of many books where children go off to take a shower 🙂
P.S. I can’t stand having a shower either. I procrastinate for hours sometimes- he he!
If you ever come across a book with a child having to go off and shower, please let me know x
lol so funny!
I’ve heard number 9 before from my 5 year old. How can boys undies possibly be thought of as clean after an entire day of play 😉
Probably because they think that being under their clothes they can’t possibly be dirty.
Lol oh this made me laugh!
Mostly my kids like to wash… once they get in there! But I hear a zillion excuses as to why my 6 year old should stay in bed for five more minutes every morning! LOL
I also have many reasons for 5 more minutes in bed 🙂 The snooze button certainly gets a work out.
Hahaha this is so funny – my boys are still young so enjoy their nightly bath, thanks for reminding me it won’t last forever! I’ll enjoy it while it lasts 🙂
He’s happy once he’s in there dancing to his music 🙂
Oh. My. Word! My daughter has all of the above reasons…and then some. I can totally relate!
Too funny. I’ve just shared this list with my community of kidlit authors to see if we can do something about number 30 😉
love them and so glad I’m not the only one to hear similar! My twins often use “I’m too hungry for a bath now” Go figure…logic of 4 yr olds i guess!
Oh gosh, I have no hope. I can barely manage to get my Munchkin (8yo) in the shower twice a week as it is. What will it be like when he’s older? Of course, I can barely manage to get him out again!
haha, some very creative excuses happening there. My personal favourite is number 32.
What a creative little man you have there 🙂 I have an eternal negotiator too. At only 5 he is already a master of talking his way out of most anything. Last night he told me with innocent eyes that he didn’t need a shower and instead he’s going to go straight to bed, promising not to get of bed even once 😀 How could I so no to that? 🙂
Heehehehe I have heard lots of them although not all!
totally cracked me up! very clever, funny and inventive excuses!
It’s nice to see in the comments that I’m not alone in the uphill battle to get my kid to shower. He has oily skin also and I’ve bought him everything for it, but it’s not going to work if he doesn’t use it. I am wishing he starts liking girls so he will wash himself off…
On second thought… I don’t wish that. LOL
These excuses made me laugh – my boys are 8 now and starting to resist the shower.
Love the excuses.. Number 18 made me laugh!!