What does a child behaviour consultant do?

As child behaviour consultants, Easy Peasy Kids looks at the bigger picture and thinks outside the box of  ‘norms’ to establish why a child is exhibiting certain types of behaviour. Easy Peasy Kids believes that for all behaviour, there can be numerous factors that are causing a child to express themselves in a way that can be considered ‘misbehaviour’.

“Her professional, simple and caring approach makes the hardest of problems seem easy to handle. Giving her clients a set of fresh eyes Nathalie is skilled in thinking outside the box to give parents effective tools to improve their parenting skills and build healthier relationships with their children. I highly recommend Nathalie’s work to any parent wanting a better solutions for effective parenting.” Fiona Chin – The Wellness Guru


How do you work out what is causing a child’s behaviour to be a certain way?

We have an initial free 30-minute chat where we ask many questions and listen carefully to all your concerns along with what your ideal outcome would be for you and your child.

We then collate information via an in-depth questionnaire which can be supported by medical reports, school reports and any information that the parents believe will assist in creating the bigger picture. Alongside the questionnaire, analysis involves:

A-B-C Data:  

A: Action: The event, or circumstances that occur before behaviour.

B: Behaviour: The behaviour exhibited by the child

C: Consequences: The action or response that follows the behaviour by the parent, school, or carers.

Frequency Count: How many times the behaviour occurs

Duration Rating: How long the behaviour lasts once it starts

Onsite consultations incorporate further observations, including yours and our interactions with the child.

What is the overall aim of a Child Behaviour Consultant?

The overall aim is to improve all aspects of life for the child and their family. More importantly Easy Peasy Kids are on the child’s side no matter what behaviours they are exhibiting – we want them to have the best possible outcome and have a happy and flourishing childhood.

How do you change a child’s behaviour?

Every child is unique therefore there is no set formula that Easy Peasy Kids will advise you to follow. Our starter packages are created to suit the child’s personality, using everything they like to assist in changing behaviour.

With younger children it is very play based; role-playing, dress-ups, arts and crafts and working through simple emotions like happy, sad and angry.

With older children we may take them out to participate in fun activity of their choice in order to form a connection of trust.

What involvement does the parent have in changing their child’s behaviour?

A parent’s involvement is 100% and a little bit more as parents are an intrinsic part of changing their child’s behaviour. No one knows their child better than the parent. Easy Peasy Kids helps you through the process and guides you too. You are not left alone.

Do you accept Medicare or private insurance?

Unfortunately at this stage our services are not recognised as “medical” intervention. Easy Peasy Kids are in the middle of a very long process of trying to be recognised alongside other holistic counsellors and practitioners.

How long does it take to change a child’s behaviour?

Most behaviours improve dramatically over a 4-6 week period. Behaviour does not change overnight as patterns of behaviour are set much like a habit or addiction. In some cases (depending on the age of the child and what behaviours we are trying to change) improvement can be seen in a just a few hours.

Do you work with medically diagnosed children ie children on the spectrum or with ADHD, ODD, and ADD?

Yes, no matter the diagnosis, a child is still a child and deserves every chance to thrive at a pace that they are happy with. We are able to help with social skills, planning, bullying, homework and tantrums.

We don’t live in Melbourne can you still help?

Yes, Easy Peasy Kids can consult via telephone and Skype. You may be asked to discreetly video some of your child’s behaviours, so we can make observations. If a client covers our travel expenses we are happy to consult at home anywhere. Easy Peasy Kids have consulted all across Australia.

Do you offer workshops?

Our next round of workshops will be launched again in 2014. If you are interested please email us and we will contact you with all the details once we have finalised the program.



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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.