Today I overslept, I felt the panic and stress the moment I realised. So much to do on a very busy day and its the day I over sleep. Then I stopped! Went and grabbed a coffee and here I am because I want to say, that whatever I do not manage to do today, on the scale of things – nothing horrendous will happen.
Overslept and the world won’t end
I’ve looked at my list and double checked that if not all the items are completed today-nothing bad will happen.
Today has started a bit later, my body obviously needed the extra sleep (it did).
The kids may be five minutes late to school but they won’t get thrown out for that.
My hair needs washing but I can get away with a pony tail today.
Emails to reply, scanned through them and no one will have something horrendous happen if I don’t reply today.
Normally I would run around trying to get three hours worth of work done in an hour.
Overslept- Don’t Panic
I am glad today I remembered to stop and smell my coffee, you should do to- if we make everything urgent it becomes urgent – well not today, double check your list and see.
Better wake the kids up, they are oversleeping too- Just one of those days- I’m going with the flow.
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