Consistency in Parenting

On the Importance of Consistency in Parenting Consistency is one of the most important concepts in life. Be it in your personal life, professional career, family system, romantic relationships, or friendships, consistency is key to understanding what you want and what you can get out of a situation. There is no area where consistency is more essential than in parenting. Children of any age thrive … [Read more...]

Facebook – Why I went Undercover

Facebook – Why I went Undercover There was an article published in the Melbourne Herald Sun on the 6th August about how I went undercover to see first-hand what children and teens could access on Facebook. I have since received over two hundred comments and emails; the majority supporting what I did, some questioning what I did, and some calling me a crap mum, a paedophile, a hypocrite and using … [Read more...]

Naptime – As Dr. Phil says, “This isn’t my first Rodeo”

Naptime  -Yes it is ! I have 4 children.  My youngest is 20 months old.  Going on 5…because he’s the youngest.   And the next stage we’ve entered is the ‘climbing out of the cot and wanting to sleep in a real bed like everyone else’ stage. It’s fine. He’s a little younger than the others were but that’s okay.  I am prepared to do the ‘put toddler to bed, toddler gets up, put toddler back to bed, … [Read more...]

Jetlag in Babies & Kids – Need another holiday to recover from your holiday !

Jetlag in Babies & Kids jet lag (noun) extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across several time zones. or extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a mum every day without flying anywhere. My best friend is flying over from the UK with my new Godson so I write this post for her and anyone else going on a long distance flight these … [Read more...]

Parenting styles – What’s yours ?

Parenting styles - My Guest Blog   Parenting Styles is over at–-what’s-yours/ … [Read more...]

Acceptance of who you are

Acceptance  Accepting and being happy with who you are is paramount to how you feel. How you feel reflects in your behaviour, which then reflects on to your child's behaviour. Talking about your personal insecurities in front of your child does them no favours. It will only get them thinking about any insecurities they may have. Be happy with yourself and those around you will be happy too. No … [Read more...]

Love: Where’s the passion ?

Love The words "I love you"are the most powerful words, I know in changing behaviour someone's behaviour. Your behaviour by loving who you are, your children's behaviour by loving them for who they are, your partner's behaviour, your family and friends behaviour by appreciating and loving who they are. We all get caught up in up in daily life routines, that many things that we use to be … [Read more...]