Imagine it is your Child….. Imagine a different Life

World VisionImagine it is your Child….Imagine a different Life

As many of you now know an inspiring friend to us all, with a very powerful voice  Eden, left her two children at home in Australia and flew out to Niger with World Vision Australia, to raise awareness of the hardship, the plight and conditions that face the families who live there. It  has been in the forefront of my mind, churning daily as to what we can all do to help. Throughout my life children have been a prolific feature. My mother was a paediatric nurse, my cousin was a missionary in Swaziland and I have worked with children for many years and still do.

Unfortunately it is not just World Vision Australia that need assistance to help children, on our own door step here in Australia there are many children who need help too, the children who have no voice or their voice has been silenced through abuse and trauma. It is an area that is talked about in hushed tones; child abuse. Child abuse is one of lowest forms of human behaviour it is intolerable, non acceptable and makes me sick to my stomach. It is not something we want to think about or seemingly talk about, yet it occurs daily. Easy Peasy Kids sponsor Angels of the Forgotten  “Giving Dignity, Hope & Joy” run by  the inspirational Melina Skidmore. Another amazing advocate raising awareness is Cate Bolt who  established Foundation 18  “Our five year goal is to have every child in Ringdikit fully immunised and attending school at least to senior high school level.”

There are thousands of things I do not understand, I do not understand why governments and politicians do not do more to help, I do not understand the distribution of aid and do not understand  never ending human conflict but I do understand that no matter how little we do a lot of littles together can make a difference.

All our life circumstances are unique; our story, our beliefs,our values, our likes and our dislikes, so many differences and all of us have something to worry about everyday. But if we take only one minute to imagine a life where nothing and I mean nothing is ever known….. You do not know if you will eat today, you do not know if your circumstances will allow you to see another day, you just do not know. This applies to many worldwide and in Australia.

When I imagine not having what I do have and living with my children where everything is an unknown it makes me realise that life is a set of circumstances that some of us have no control over. The last seven days I’ve been reflecting on children who have no choice where ever they are and they have given me a voice and a passion to help. Putting my life into perspective, getting my head of of the sand and hoping you will help me make a difference.

My Sponsor Child

My sponsor child has a gorgeous name, he is called Bright, he is seven years old just like my son. Bright loves playing football, just like my son. Bright is my sponsor child, a new brother to my daughter and son and in honour of my mother also a grandson. Although mum’s Alzheimer’s is at the final stages, her eyes light up around children and I know how much helping Bright would mean to her. Bright I’m now hoping his name “giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining” along with the sponsorship gives Bright the opportunity to shine.

I may be coming over a bit strong, I may be pushing guilt buttons,  I know there is only so much we can do but doing something is better than doing nothing.

It costs $43 a month to sponsor a child and I know for many that is a big ask so this is my idea. Logistically I may sound insane but I know deep down it is doable but I need YOUR help.

“It takes a Blogging Community to raise a child”

On Tuesday 5th June 2012 between 11am-2pm I am inviting forty of YOU to my house, yes I said house. With forty of us here we can form groups of five contributing $10 a month and sponsor Eight  children as a community. This amount will also ensure that Angel for the Forgotten and Foundation 18 also receive support or a charity of your choosing.  I will launch this get together on Eventbright on Friday this week.  Do I know forty Melbourne bloggers? I’m not sure but I will be finding out.

Now if you do not live in Melbourne or cannot come and join the get together I would love you to host your own morning  or evening sponsoring a child or donating to any cause close to your heart. It would be great if the get together was on the same day or even in the same week. If you feel better hosting at the local coffee shop, in the park, at work it really is what suits you. What suits you to make a  postive difference.

If you are not a blogger and would like to host your own get-together I am happy to help out in any way I can or you can attend my get together.

We can then Blog, Tweet, Facebook, Google+, Stumble upon it, Pinterest etc….  and continue with all Our Voices to be heard, our voices making a difference in a child’s life, whether it be World Vision, Angels for the Forgotten or a Charity of your choosing.

I appreciate there are many good causes and this is only a tiny little step, a little step is still better than no step.

Let us make Eden’s trip to Niger worthwhile, let us give children a better life, a life with a future and a life with some hope.

As  Eden says “I will always believe that Giving = Good. Always. Sometimes, things just ARE that simplistic.

The Convention on the Rights of a Child

All children have the right to what follows, no matter what their race, colour sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, or where they were born or who they were born to. You have the special right to grow up and to develop physically and spiritually in a healthy and normal way, free and with dignity.You have a right to a name and to be a member of a country. You have a right to special care and protection and to good food, housing and medical services.You have the right to special care if handicapped in any way. You have the right to love and understanding, preferably from parents and family, but from the government where these cannot help. You have the right to go to school for free, to play, and to have an equal chance to develop yourself and to learn to be responsible and useful. Your parents have special responsibilities for your education and guidance. You have the right always to be among the first to get help. You have the right to be protected against cruel acts or exploitation, e.g. you shall not be obliged to do work which hinders your development both physically and mentally. You should not work before a minimum age and never when that would hinder your health, and your moral and physical development. You should be taught peace, understanding, tolerance and friendship among all people.

 Less Talking, More Doing “Action for Children”

On Friday I will send out invites through Eventbright, if you would like to attend  the get together at my house, leave a comment. If you would like to be a host also leave a comment as I will have a link up on Friday for everyone to see.

Thanks for reading

Nathalie x

The invites have been emailed if you would like to attend send me an your email address to  and I will send you an eventbright invitation

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Hi Nat, I’m a Melbourne blogger. I’d be interested in coming – though would need to organise babysitting and get back to you.

  2. Nathalie, truly you are an angel. We as a family too sponsor a child, and my two monsters at Christmas spent some of their pocket money on World Vision Gifts. I am not sure in the time frame what I can pull together, but in Brisbane, be sure I will try and do something. Bless you, your mother and your family. Soozxxx

    • My kids alawys do the 40 hour famine and are using some of their pocket money towards our sponsor child. It doesn’t have to done in the time frame, I’m sure any time is better that no time. If you need a hand just let me know.Nx

  3. This is a fantastic initiative. I have been supporting Napcan and Backpacks for Aussie Kids. Good to know about Angels of the Forgotten too. I also don’t understand why more people are not outraged at the alarming statistics. One in four girls and one in 10 boys? Unacceptable. I am not in Melbourne, but I will certainly find a way to participate in this event and help you spread the word. <3 Sonia

  4. Count me in Nat – what an awesome idea! Let me know how I can help xx

  5. Thank you for stepping out and up, not only for WV kids but for kids here, at home. I still get a shock when people in my own city tell me they had no idea Perth has foster kids! We foster 6 children each with a story and we have 2 sponsored WV kids … why? to teach the foster children to pay it forward, to care outside of just their world. You and everyone joining in, have a great time and GO FOR IT…. and THANK YOU.

    • The lack of awareness is scary, you sound like an angel on earth with 6 foster children and 2 sponsored children too. Children are very open to hearing and helping other children and starting at home is a good place to start. Making children aware of how other children do not have it like they do creates empathy, kindness and acceptance and hopefully a child who cares for others too xx

  6. Im a Melbourne blogger and I’d love to be involved.

  7. What a great idea Nathalie. I love it. We’ve all gotten something out of Edens trip, I’ve pondered the idea of child sponsorship for a good 10 years. Always had an excuse to think about it a little more.
    Well this weekend my daughter and I sponsored a child. I just knew now was the right time.

    • Mandy that’s wonderful and children learn so much from sponsoring and donating too. You too are most welcome to the get together xx

  8. Nat – you’re amazing you know?

    We can afford to sponsor a child and we’re going to do so this week. My heart breaks for every child – whether they are in Niger or Australia – who doesn’t have the same love and opportunities my child does.

  9. Natalie, you don’t know how happy this makes me. I’ve been wracked with guilt not knowing how to help. Our single income gets all but consumed by our ridiculous mortgage (first world problem I know) and bills. I don’t have any vices to give up and donate the savings. But $10 I can manage. Being part of a group who can actually make a bigger impact with our collective voice, I can definitely manage. I would love to take part.

    • Lanely so pleased you can join. No matter what amount when we put them together we can make some difference. Look forward to seeing you xx

  10. we are looking into sponsoring a child as well.. it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while and now Ive had the kick in the pants I need..

    We are moving house next week but if I can I would love to head to your house for this amazing initiative! x

  11. I’m not in Melbourne Nat (well Ballarat’s not that far really) but would love to donate anyway. Just tell me how I can get some $$ to you. We’ve just sponsored a child thru Destiny Rescue – thanks to Eden and her mind and eye opening posts. I love that so many bloggers are making steps to make changes for kids LOVE IT.

  12. Great idea Nathalie, I’m based in Melbourne too and would love to take part. As long as I can find a sitter for my crazy little 3 year old I’d love to come x

  13. I think you’re amazing, Nathalie. Such a great idea – I’m guilty of thinking whatever I can give just isn’t enough, but it will be great to see it all put together to make a bigger difference.

    I’m in!

  14. Again, you have demonstrated what enormous spirit and generosity looks like.

    I’ve thought for years I should do more to help but now i’m going to actually make it happen.

    • Kate thanks, speaking up and doing something for what Eden experienced is what this is all about. I know many say the difference will be minimal, right now I think the difference is happening xxx

  15. Taylah Jones says

    As like all your followers I am truly in awe of you… This is something that I to am interested in although in sydney and not a blogger… it is important that not only do we continue to reach the struggling in this world but educate our children that others less fortunate should be afforded the rights to grow up and find there way in this world without fear of any kind not from child abuse, sexual abuse, hunger, homelessness, poverty of any kind!
    We take our cues at times from our peers and our children take them from us… this is a reminder to all of us that we are all responsible no matter religion colour or creed.

    Thank you

    • Taylah thankyou you really have said it all in your comment we are all responsible, educating our children, and giving another child their human right. Xx

  16. Wow.


    I love, love, love this so much. Love your initiative. Love your reasons. Love YOU. It took me a while to realise you were actually really talking about your HOUSE. Wish I lived in Melbourne.

    Love and love and more to you, Nathalie XXXX

    • If you can go to Africa with your voice , this is just a get together of many voices making a bit more noise, supporting you and the children everywhere xxx Welcome home xxx

  17. I’m in, I’m in!! Sorry I didn’t catch this earlier xxx

  18. Beautiful and I am so there!

    We just sponsored a girl called Benedicte. I chose to sponsor a little girl who was the same age as my youngest and will choose another two the same ages as my other two kids. It was so hard to choose…and even that word ‘choose’…it’s all wrong. I felt ridiculous putting Benedicte’s picture up on the pantry door, ironically closer to more food than she will probably ever see all in one go.
    I feel horrible throwing out leftovers because the kids gorged themselves on lollies and chips…and then half an hour later, don’t know where to put myself because they complain of being starving!

    My 8 yr old son had it right (after I told him about Benedicte and read him some of Edens posts)…” I don’t get it Mum. We always have too much food here.”. Yes we do.

    I’m so in…

  19. damn I love you girl…


  20. I’ve just come across this post now, Nathalie, and I’m in awe of it. What a fabulous initiative. I’m based in Melbourne and would love to be a part of it, if it’s not too late to join in. xx

  21. Hi Natalie,

    What a great initiative. I need to do that up here on the Sunshine Coast. I already have a bloggers meet up group so it’s just a question of asking people to give something back. That’s hard but it needs to be done:) Bravo!

  22. Melissa Mitchell says

    What a wonderful idea! Honestly, Nathalie. Amazing.As always. I hope you get your 40. I hope you have a wonderful time. I wish I were in Melbourne.

  23. Invitation accepted! $10 and a plate, I can do.

    Love your awesomeness xxxxxx See you on the 22nd!

  24. I would love to organise a morning/afternoon tea in Brisbane, hands up if you are interested! 🙂


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