101 Life Tips from Children

101 life tipsI have all the great kids I work with for these wonderful life tips, hope you find them as helpful as I have 😉

Mr 6 ” When you love someone don’t kiss them on the bum but on their face”

Miss 5 “Poo and chocolate can look the same on your hands, so don’t take chocolate to the toilet”

Mr 9 ” When you play computer game with your dad, let him win once”

Miss 6 “When you finish eating dinner say thanks to mum even if you didn’t like it”

Mr 7 “Don’t keep cockroaches in your bedside draw. It will freak your mum out a lot”

Miss 4 “Rabbit poo is not for playing or eating”

Mr 5 “Putting lots of toilet paper in the toilet makes a waterfall”

Mr 7 “Don’t put the white bullets mummy has in the bathroom in your nerf gun”

Miss 7 “If you laugh a lot and a little pee comes out don’t worry, mummy does it all the time”

Mr 4 “Don’t hit daddy’s nuts when using a sword”

Miss 4 “The day you get married you must wear clean undies”

Mr 8 “It’s good to tell mum you love her even when she’s moaning about your room”

Miss 5 “Baby wipes aren’t just for your bum, they even clean armpits”

Mr 10 “Tell a girl you love her smile and she will be your girlfriend just like that”

Miss 9 “Boys like it when you say cool a lot”

Miss 5 “You can hide carrots inside mash potato”

Mr 11 “When I have Macca’s, mum makes me eat an apple afterwards so the last thing I ate was healthy”

Miss 6 “Tell daddy he is your superhero and he turns into one”

Mr 9 “If you fart always walk away from it slowly, holding your breath”

Miss 3 “Don’t eat mummy’s lipstick it tastes yucky”

Miss 7 “If you draw on the wall by mistake, quickly draw a beautiful flower on paper and put it on top”

What life tips have your kids taught you?


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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Laughing! How cute!

  2. BRILLIANT!!!!
    Love & stuff
    Mrs M

  3. LOVE THEM ALL! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face.

  4. Martine@themodernparent says

    What a great post to read first thing this morning! Gotta love their honesty x

  5. hee hee, lots of wonderful kid wisdom! Made me smile 🙂

  6. So many wonderful comments and such great advice! Thanks for the smile.:)

  7. Just love stopping by here for a pick-me-up. I love it.

  8. You made my day Nathalie!!! Really needed to smile today….white bullets…crack me up!! I was concerned one of my twins new jeans were rubbing her when i saw she kept putting her hand down the back of her waistband the other day….when i asked if they were hurting she looked at me disdainfully and replied “No Mummy…just touching my Bum thanks!” Got to love em …thanks for sharing x

  9. Haha, Kids are hilarious! I’ll have to share some of these with my husband 🙂

  10. Now I know what I’ve been doing wrong! No more chocolate in the loo for me 😛

  11. Nae adventuresathomewithmum says

    Haha too cute. Some of the things they say,
    I love the baby wipes tip 🙂 I use them for everything (not arm pits though)

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