Two and half years ago I began blogging, prior to this I use to write my thoughts up on my Easy Peasy Kids Facebook page. I honestly didn’t know that anyone could set up a blog and write. Thinking you had to be well-known somewhere on this planet to have readers. Being a newbie and having no preconceived ideas was pretty awesome and often embarrassing. My naivety approved spam comments “I love everything you writing”, sad I know. Having no idea was probably one of the best things ever. I wrote without care, without worrying and without being scared.
Did I start to blog for the right reasons?
I like to think I did. Blogging about how I endeavour to see the world through a child’s eyes, blogging about my life and how tough it was caring for mum with Alzheimer’s, trying to be funny (not successfully), honest and connecting with the readers. Although my blog is associated to my business Easy Peasy Kids, I follow no rules about how a business should blog, ignoring constant advice by ‘social media experts’ that I am far too personal, you need too blog weekly (no chance of that happening) and that I write about too many topics when I should stick to my niche; that being child behaviour. After a whole day working with children and having two of my own it is honestly the last thing I want to blog about and there are thousands of blogs with child behaviour advice which can be overwhelming for all of us, including me.
Blogging with no expectations
“Blog from the heart but don’t sell you soul” keep being honest. You are worth it and your readers are worth it. Receiving emails asking for blogging, social media and business advice really throws me as I have no set advice I can give. I wing it mostly when it comes to these areas but I work hard at what makes me happy . Slightly disorganised, possibly running late, eye make up on one eye, odd shoe, big smile and I’m in my element; my happy place when I’m working with children. I don’t fit into a blogging niche or clique. There’s an argument breaking out on Twitter, Facebook or a blog and I sit on the fence. My writing; shock, horror, faint, head desk has grammatical errors. I sporadically blog and guest post for who I want to guest post for. You need not advise me “Don’t write for Coles, don’t write for the Shake...” I am still keen on our friendship but where I blog should not come into it.
My blog is not my income, my blog is me and Easy Peasy Kids is mine. I started blogging with no expectations. Did I think it would it increase my work load to something I never even imagined ? No. Would I make amazing friendships and share parts of my life so honestly with a bunch of strangers? No. Would it get me a book deal? No. Yet all these fortunate things are happening. The magic formula I don’t know. Possibly honesty, integrity, keeping my head down and working long hours on my business.
So before you start a blog think hard as to why you are doing it? Nothing will probably happen over night. The successful bloggers have been writing for years, they have grown their audience, lost some along the way, cried, laughed and connected through their blog. Their readers like them, it doesn’t really matter if you don’t get why. You are not them. Blog for you because you like it. Comment because you like it, comment because you have an opinion, it’s not keeping it real if you think if I comment on your blog, you should comment on mine. Life is busy not everyone has time to comment, it does not mean you don’t have readers.
If you want to blog for a living and monetise your blog it’s not just writing about something everyday, your readers want more than that. Grow a nice thick skin, the thicker the better, don’t worry about cliques, this is a crossover of real life friendships being seen live on social media, it’s ok if you aren’t in one. Keep and use your own voice and style. There will be blog posts that people don’t like and some people won’t like you; crazy I know what don’t they love? It’s the real world being played on line, don’t let it consume you. If you don’t like what you are doing or blogging is getting too much, step back, slow down, your readers will still be there. You have to like blogging and love what you do.
So are you blogging for the right reasons?
Wise words Nat! It’s so important to know why you are doing it! And I for one am glad that you did write for The Shake. xxxx
Thanks Zoe. I’ll have another piece soon for you.
I think even when you start blogging for the right reasons it’s easy to get swept up in everything else that goes hand and hand with blogging like you mentioned, the social media and the cliques and the pr people and your readers. Always good to have a reminder that makes you stop and think again about why you’re even blogging and that, like you said, there are no hard and fast rules and just because x, y and z do things like this, doesn’t mean that you have to as well. Your blog, your rules. Oh, and now that I’ve taken the time to comment, I’ll be looking forward to your comment on my blog. 😉 haha x
So true you can get swept up if you allow yourself and if you compare yourself too. I comment on your blogs because I love what you offer to do with children 😉
Ah, good for me to read this today as I am in a bloggy slow down and mother more phase… this feels a bit uncomfy but needs to be done. I am keen to be around as a blogger for a long time… the kids need me more at the moment and I need to slow myself down. Hooray for your wise words and for not being conventional but being real.
I’ve been in bloggy slow down for ever. Daily I change my focus to what is needed at that time; my kids, work, dinner and at times nothingness x
Thanks, Nathalie, for really sensible, perceptive advice. As a new and hopelessly inept blogger your words are interesting and helpful 🙂
Thanks Lee Anne no great words of wisdom just my thoughts x
I have no idea why I blog any more. I started because I needed someone to talk to and I guess, if I look deep down, that’s why I still do. I just want to get the words out. Lately there haven’t been as many words, but that’s Ok.
Getting the words out sounds perfect. I do like your words x
I too started blogging because I had too many thoughts. Afte ,leaving a corporate & working around the clock job, staying was tough. I actually felt stressed because i had nothing to be stressed about. No more deadlines and board meeting. I don’t know whether it’s right to say this but I think I blog to keep my sanity. I blog to compensate all the action (i thought i was missing). Blogging also has helped me to change and be a better mom. Thanks to people like you, who do share A lot of sense.
It’s definitely ok to blog to keep your sanity, helped me heaps with mum and her AlZheimer’s it was a still is my space. X
There are different reasons people blog and all of them are relevant. As long as you are true to yourself the blogging journey can be a wonderful one. Forget about the so called ‘rules’, just use whatever tips work for you, that’s the advice I like to give. If you own it it will be worth it x
True to yourself and owning it you are spot on. Thank you x
Well, I guess I started blogging so that I can share my ideas, and connect with people – which thankfully I have! While my blog might be the fluffy, superficial stuff, it’s stuff that does make me and my readers happy. And it feels so good when your reader contacts you to ask some questions and feels even better when you CAN help them out. The making money part? That I guess is a bonus.
Love connecting with you especially IRL xx
Yes reading your post I think I am writing for the right reasons. I’m not sure where it’s leading but I love it and I think people enjoy reading it most of the time.
When you love it that’s a good reason 🙂
When i started it was the same as you. I just wanted to write my thoughts. But my thoughts now just cant be writen all the time cause it will look like I’m an angry mother lol. but that is the reality of life. I am always angry cause the kids are so frustrating but i still have to minimise those posts. I never knew you could get stuff just for writing about that stuff. i didnt know you could get paid to write so thats certainly not the reason why I started. I didn’t want that and till now I still don’t know if i want that. I take what i think is cool and i leave the rest behind (not that i get approached much by pr).
I think people like the raw in your face real posts.
Raw equals honesty and with that I think is when you connect. X
I love reading your blogs Nathalie, you must be a natural blogger because I always read them as if I can hear your lovely Aussie accent and the genuine warmth in your voice! Keep writing!! xx
Thank you I do write as I speak. Although I speak a lot more than I write 🙂
I do hope I blog for the right reasons. I wanted an outlet, to improve my writing skills and have a form of regular creative/ brain discipline. Meeting some wonderful people that spilled over into real life, such as your darling self was a completely pleasant surprise. I also hope online connections continue to inspire me.
You have so very sweetly named me recently for being real, which (apart from being somewhat entertaining) is the main thing I hope I am but sometimes wonder too if readers prefer more answers than questions. I don’t really stick to any rules, I find the PR thing mostly baffling and cliques on the whole and people’s projected assumptions make me feel a bit barfy. I’ll keep going xxx
Keep going gorgeous, you always make me think, smile, laugh or cry when you blog x
Great thought provoking post Nat! So glad that you chose to blog! 🙂
I’m pinning this in the hope that the word spreads!! xx
Thanks. Sporadic blogging works for me thank goodness as I can’t commit to much more. X
I find time management a struggle. I do want to read and comment on other blogs because I want to feel that sense of engagement within the blogging community.
It is a struggle. I just try to set aside one day a month where I get around to comment.
I love reading your blog Nathalie, I think your (successfully) funny & honest.
I’ve been reflecting lately about why I blog, I lost my blogging mojo & had to rethink the whole thing.
This is a nice reminder that blogging needs to be for yourself forth most 🙂
It can get to be too much and having a break and a rethink can put things back into perspective x
Just one word Nat: Amen!
One word back: Hugs x
I love the words “this is the real world being played online”. Indeed 🙂
Friendships crossing over into social media is part of how things roll now x
I think you ask some really great questions in this post Nathalie. I think I do blog for the right reasons. My aim is never to get lots of followers but just to help out people who are looking for it. x
Helping is an awesome reason x
It’s really good to revisit why I blog, and nice to have some prompts to do it too. It is easy sometimes to get caught up in what other bloggers are doing, but when I boil it right down, I blog to journal, share and for community 🙂
Sharing and journaling great reasons 🙂
There are so so many reasons for blogging, it can be distracting with all the options out there. Very thoughtful post.
Thanks Chelsea if we stay honest and real we are doing ok
Your posts always make me think and reflect Nat…I was getting overwhelmed with rules and social media must do’s…it’s good to step back and think about why I started blogging. Have enjoyed reading through all of the comments here too. Am having a bit of ‘a moment’ with my blogging direction so this has been a timely visit for me…thanks for sharing x
Stepping back and reassessing is always good x
Hi Nathalie, just stumbled on your blog. Excellent piece of information and advice! Being a novice blogger, I was not sure what to do with my blogs but certainly I know I love writing. Reading your blog has given me assurance that it is best to write for what one loves. Loved reading your article. Thanks for sharing.
Loving writing is probably the best reason there is. Thanks for your lovely comment x