Dear PBEVENT Thank you for the huge belly laughs. Champagne coming out my nose was a bonus. Thank you for the hugs that came exactly when they were needed. Thank you for sharing your stories with me, life does throw us huge curve balls. Thank you for the one to one moments where we talked about nothing too deep and everything that hurts. Thank you for caring and checking whether I needed … [Read more...]
Blogging: What defines a Sponsored Blog Post?

When I take the time to read a blog post, I only expect honesty. As a reader and as someone who blogs I would appreciate a definition of what is considered sponsored. I have read numerous guidelines and understand disclosure. Nevertheless there are no clear instructions as to when you have to state "This a sponsored blog post". Bloggers have words we want to share online and hope that someone out … [Read more...]
Facebook Behaviour: To err is human but not on Facebook.

Facebook has interwoven itself into many of our lives in that it is a daily integrated routine, like brushing teeth or making the school lunches. On waking it may possibly be one of the first things you now do, as you log in to check your Facebook page. I know I do. Logging onto my business page Easy Peasy Kids to check if everything is running smoothly (no nastiness against comments or people … [Read more...]
Problogger Event – Turning your dream into reality.

This post is not about what I learnt from attending the awesome sessions at Problogger as I only attended the initial and ending speakers keynote and a lounge session on monetization. Picking up the general gist through Twitter and from speaking to attendees and friends. One word keeps coming up 'dream'. Dream is a beautiful word it encompasses something we want with a fiery passion. The dreams I … [Read more...]
Problogger Event: The most important item to bring.

This is not a packing list. I admit I am not a very organised person, so if you have a packing list please let me know in the comments section. Or come round next Thursday morning and help me throw my stuff into a suit case. This post is about you, who you are, how you feel about attending and the connection that brings us all together at an event like this which is obviously blogging. The most … [Read more...]
Blogging: Are you blogging for the right reasons?

Two and half years ago I began blogging, prior to this I use to write my thoughts up on my Easy Peasy Kids Facebook page. I honestly didn't know that anyone could set up a blog and write. Thinking you had to be well-known somewhere on this planet to have readers. Being a newbie and having no preconceived ideas was pretty awesome and often embarrassing. My naivety approved spam comments "I love … [Read more...]
Blogging:The Number One Tip In Receiving Comments

Yesterday I spent the day in bed due to the delightful gastro bug. I asked across various social platforms for some reading material. Within ten minutes my request was responded to. Over sixty-five blogs for me to read. By the time this post is complete I know there will be more. With nothing else do to being in quarantine from the kids and the Mr. the reading extravaganza commenced. The variety … [Read more...]