Problogger Event: The most important item to bring.

Problogger Event

Problogger Event

This is not a packing list. I admit I am not a very organised person, so if you have a packing list please let me know in the comments section. Or come round next Thursday morning and help me throw my stuff into a suit case.

This post is about you, who you are, how you feel about attending and the connection that brings us all together at an event like this which is obviously blogging.

The most important thing to bring is YOU. Bring everything about who you are. I would love to say don’t worry, don’t feel nervous, don’t be scared and don’t  feel anxious but I know that is not going to take away how you feel. So just bring exactly how you feel along with you, it is part of who you are.

Although the Problogger events are pretty full on and this can play havoc with nerves and anxiety there is always a quiet spot you  can take yourself off to if it all gets a tad overwhelming. Don’t worry about missing a specific talk if you need time out, your ticket gives you the whole day transcript which you can listen to at your leisure and heaps of people will blog about it.

Allow yourself to be you. At an event with so many people we tend to worry about what others may think of us. Let me reassure you that the majority will be thinking about themselves and how they are feeling, not thinking about you (I mean this in the nicest possible way). So sneak off  if you need a break, perhaps find someone else who may be feeling “Oh my this is too much I need to get out of here for a while” and go and have a coffee together.

Blogging  has many of us sharing huge parts of who we are, which can be deceiving. A confident blogger is not necessarily a confident person in real life. Blogging is easier than talking.

  1. Anxiety and nerves at events are heightened, you are out of your comfort zone, for many this will ring true, you won’t be on your own feeling like this.
  2. Don’t stress if you forget people’s names (this one is for me) that’s ok.
  3. Nervous about approaching someone you really would like to meet? They are probably nervous too.
  4. Worried about how you will remember everything? Listen to the transcript on your return home.
  5. Although we are friends on social media we have never met. This can go either way, you may get on fabulously or it may fizzle as occasionally  a friendship on social media is not the same in real life. This is ok. It is not you, move on, don’t let it spoil the two day event.
  6. Scared you may make a fool of yourself by saying or doing something uncool? Let me reassure you I have done this and it’s ok.
  7. Feeling vulnerable? means you will be yourself. Vulnerability is honesty. Honesty is good.
  8. Don’t feel afraid of saying “I’m feeling anxious I need a break” Do what you need to do for you.
  9. Introvert? Pace yourself at the level you feel most comfortable at.
  10. Shy? Totally cool, take your time.

We are all going to Problogger as we blog. This is what we have in common. Who we are as a person is who we are everyday, bring all of you to the event. Our emotional and mental makeup no matter what it consists of, will play out its part regardless of the situation. Together or if you want to be alone we can wing it.

Martine from The Modern Parent and myself are part of the Problogger team there to meet and greet you and fingers crossed be full of useful information for any questions you may have or directions to which room you want to be in for a particular talk. If you feel you need assistance in anyway do come and see us and we will do our best to help or find a quiet spot for you should you need one.

If you are bringing a baby or toddler and want to be able to have a break or attend a specific talk come see Martine or myself as we are fully qualified to give baby cuddles and play with toddlers.

If you have any tips you care to share if you have anxiety and have attended events before leave a comment as it may just help someone out.



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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Dorothy K says

    It’s going to be a fab couple of days! Can’t wait. And it will be lovely to have you there to run for reassurance to.

  2. Awesome post Nathalie! Can’t wait to see you there and more than happy to volunteer Bluey for some baby cuddles! xx

  3. Can’t wait! Will see you there.

    The one little thing I do is write a list of a handful of people I would like to meet. If I am anxious or nervous, I give myself the task of asking people ” Do you know Nathalie…would you mind introducing me…or can you point her out to me etc” It can give me something to say when all of a sudden I have no words.

  4. This is a fantastic post Nathalie, with so much truth in it for those of us who can much more easily share our thoughts and ‘meet’ people on our blogs, Twitter and FB than we do in real life.
    My last PB Event experience was devastating, as I had what was probably an anxiety attack and left after Darren’s opening speech. If only I’d hung in there, I would most likely have been fine.
    This year I’m actually really looking forward to being up in QLD for the event, staying at the hotel, being able to have a bit of time out if I really need to (tho’ I probably won’t!!), and having a bit of extra time to meet bloggers (although the fact that the conference is 2 days will help with that too!).
    I think I’m also on the same plane as you and Claire and a few others from the sounds of it, so looking forward to meeting you then!

    • Sorry to hear about your last experience, I’m sure being in Queensland in the sunshine will make everything brighter. Do come and say hi on the plane/airport I’m shocking at putting names to faces, it will be fab to meet you next week.

  5. Thank you SO much for the post! It is exactly what I needed to read! (Point number two is very pertinent to me also, I am hopeless at the whole name remembering thing. Apologies in advance.) I am very excited to be attending my first PB, but yes – also freaking out a little…not helped by the fact that I’ve been a bit AWOL online lately. It’s been tough finding time to write my own blog posts let alone keep up with all my reading and commenting, so I feel a bit out of the blogging loop. BUT! There are so many ace people I’m looking forward to meeting and hearing speak, and a few friendly faces I can’t wait to catch up with too. You may find me lurking in a corner somewhere 🙂

  6. Thank you for writing this post! I am desperate to not allow any anxiety sneak in at ProBlogger. First blog conference so I guess it might 🙂

  7. Points 3, 5 and 7 really resonate to me. I am a first timer to the conference too. Thanks!

  8. Great post Nat and I am terrible with names so hoping people are not offended when I need reminding, nervous but excited for next week!!!

  9. I’m really looking forward to meeting you Nathalie! Thank so much for the tips. I really need to hear that it’s okay to feel all those things and forget names (I’m not great that remembering them either!)

  10. Even though I’m not going, your words are such a great reminder Nathalie. Thank you, and look forward to hearing about the wonderful people you meet at the event. xo P

  11. Thanks for this post Nathalie. Looking forward to meeting you at Problogger! I have you on my list 🙂

  12. I so wish I was going… but even though I’m not attending I need to keep this post and read it at least once a week! Thank you for always sharing your wisdom.

  13. I wish I was going to this event., I’ve never been. Maybe in the near future I will see you there. Thanks for the great tips and have a great time.

  14. Such truth in those words! It’s interesting to read about what to expect at those events. I’ll go to one one day too 🙂

  15. I’m so glad I found this today. I’m feeling more then slightly terrified and wondering what on earth I was thinking !!
    I know with absolutely certainty that I will be looking out for you beautiful lady. I owe you a hug or ten xxx

  16. I’m not going unfortunately but I eagerly await to hear what you have to say about it. Have a ball! Jealous! 🙂 x

  17. I do so wish I could afford to go…so close to me too! You always have me thinking a little clearer about blogging and events and the bigger picture really. Such a wise lady you are and I hope you get lots of baby cuddles and have a lovely time x

  18. Oh Natalie- this is such a fab post. While the main reason for me not attending Problogger is due to $$$ restrictions, I must admit that part of me is a little scared of the social side of these events. I’m such a self-conscious, shy person. Maybe you’ve just given me the courage to save for the next event.

  19. Wish I could be there this year and give you a hug at the door! Maybe next year x

  20. This is just what I need to read with only two sleeps to go until my first Problogger event! I’m so looking forward to meeting you in person x

  21. Gemmie says

    Sounds like a lot of fun!

  22. Thank you Nathalie for this reassurance. My instinct is to power through any insecurities and pain I may feel and deal with it later. Though, you are right.

    I will give myself permission to step out and have a break if I need it. I can catch up on misheard information later. And, taking a holistic perspective, if I’m meant to be there, I will be there.

    I might just come looking for you to say hi and get more of you beautiful gentle reassurance whilst Im there.
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