Dress up games are fun
Today my hubby is having a Birthday Party, for approximately 70 friends. Now normally I’m not much of a dress up person and I am a happy girl in jeans and a t shirt. Then I remembered my teenage years back in the 80’s, getting ready to gout out with my girlfriends use to take me a whole afternoon. Just getting my hair to look big was a major task, plus I had to wear every bangle in the house and lots of black eye makeup. After a few hours I was either the reincarnation of Madonna or Taylor Dane.( it would depend on how teased my hair was and the number of crucifixes I could find to wear).
Dress up games are brilliant for children’s imagination
Then I got a further flashback to playing dress ups as a kid, whether it was at kinder or at home. The world I use to enter trying on clothes and setting up my imaginary play in all my new finery, would keep me entertained for hours. A couple of old clothes and I was set to go.
I have used dress ups with children for many years, and I love their excitement as they try on the clothes and take on their new roles. Dress Ups is an activity that fosters so many developmental areas but best of all its super fun. The role playing sets off their imaginative play like no other activity, as they learn how to dress and undress themselves in a unhurried environment. Sensually they get to feel the different textures, the smooth materials on the clothes and the rough material. Their language expands as they talk about the items of clothing, the colours, the sizes and the shapes. Their independence comes to the forefront as they get to choose on their own what they would like to wear in the world of dress ups. Their imagination reaches new levels in their dress ups role playing.
It’s an activity you can set up easily, clear out your wardrobe, get yourself to the op shop and fill up a box full of different items of clothing, doesn’t matter what they are, your child will put them on and be who they want to be, a shirt becomes cape – a superhero and a skirt becomes a beautiful gown – a princess.
Dress up games teach behaviour
In assisting with behaviour you can role play different scenes, what to do at the shops, how to use your manners, how to be a mummy or a daddy- the possibilities in playing dress ups are pretty endless. Dress ups can also give you a little me time as children do get very engrossed in their imaginative kingdom of dress ups.
Young children giggle with delight at the choice of clothing in front of them , watch their concentration as they choose what they want to put on and dress themselves. The older children will role play a whole scene and even put on shows. Its an open ended activity that feeds their imagination and their ongoing development. It is fun, they learn as they play and it a great opportunity for some great moments and photos.
So I’m dressing up tonight. My imagination sees me looking glamorous and famous. Yes that’s what I’ll be tonight a superstar. Well in my eyes anyway. Go on what Dress up games will you play with you children?
Great post hunni
i think it might head to the op shop in the near future for Master J
At almost 3 i think hed get more joy out of laughing at how silly he looks and being “Buzz” lol
My two don’t really like dressing up any more, the only time dressing up has really been something they enjoy was when they were in to pirates! Or getting in to their footy gear…
Hi, your review above really got me interested up to the very last word, so I just had to comment on it. Accidentally I noticed it via Google and I must confess to you I nearly never read the entire post of a blog as I more or less always get bored of the “chit-chat” which is offered to me on a frequent basis. Yours is totally different and finally well researched or written. Will for sure further check out your blog! 🙂 Go on!!
My three daughters love dress-ups; they usually grab daddy’s undies or mummy’s bra from the freshly washed laundry basket and put them on their heads!! Ha ha. We also play real dress-ups with costumes!