My Happy Place Day Eight

My Happy Place Day Eight

This is probably my shortest post ever as I am about to dash out the door, for Miss 15’s School Speech night.

This morning when I realised Speech night was on, my heart sunk and I thought here’s four hours of my life I will never get back.

Throughout the day, this thought changed to accepting tonight as a time to reflect on my daughter.

A daughter who I am so very proud of and love sooooo much.

I am lucky to have Miss 15, she is really a great child and we have a good mother – daughter relationship.

I cannot pinpoint to why it is so good, but I know we talk a lot and I respect what she says and I value her opinion.

I do try as I work with many teens to see the world through her eyes and allow the teen hormones to do their stuff.

She may not have a tidy bedroom but she has an amazing heart and is an amzing cook, unlike myself.

She is awesome big sister and has a wicked and slightly scarcastic sense of humour and bit like her mum.

Miss 15  is receiving an award tonight, she can not remember what for, another of her qualities – laid back just like her dad.

So as I head out what I’ve learnt over the last eight days is acceptance of situations I cannot change, acceptance of my mood and who I am.

I know I love my work, my family  with passion and right now life is looking good.

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Nathalie Brown

Child Behaviour Consultant at Easy Peasy Kids
Child Behaviourist and researcher. Creator of "Less tantrums. More smiles". I look at the bigger picture and think outside the box when working with children and their behaviour. Their world is different. As adults we sometimes forget this. Happiness Creator in my spare time. Eater of chocolate and cake.

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  1. Rachelle says

    I have had wonderful day just doing nothing with my hubby & kids. My husband works a lot & we don’t get to see him very much. We were planning on a day at the beach but due to the weather we got some DVDs & just relaxed at home

  2. Natalie Villa says

    Day 8’s happiest moment just happened! Anyone who knows me well, will know I’m constantly listening to music. Music, motivates me and relaxes me.
    So today, while washing the dishes, I was listening to my iPod as per usual, (I use the iPod so I won’t annoy anyone else with my music). I, as per usual, ended up dancing. My 13 year old daughter came into the kitchen and decided to copy me. Thinking this was cute, I tried another move and she copied that! We danced for 20 minutes and laughed the whole time. Let me tell you, we had to sit for a while just to recover.
    We’ve decided we should dance a couple of times a week, my baby girl and her momma! It’ll be our own aerobics class.
    So, if you feel low or just want to laugh, I recommend music and dancing! Xx

    • Big Music fans at my house too, love dancing but here Miss 15 teaches me the dance moves on a promise I will not do them if her friends around 😉 Unless we are doing sing star
      It is a fab way to connect with your teen daughter xx

  3. Jo Thomson says

    I was feeling a bit down today and my Miss 5 decided to draw me a rainbow to brighten my day… It really helped… Love my girls to bits <3

  4. debbie says

    My Happy # 8 was watching and listening to the big belly laughs coming from my two daughters as their Dad read them a funny story about Nooo Nooos, apparently its the funniest word in the world. The other happy moment ….. not to sure if I should mention it. Its food again lol no not cheese cake for breakfast or fried icecream. It was Lindor Lindt Chocolate. 🙂

    • Hearing children laugh is just the best and Noooo Nooos do sound extremely funny, Food especially chocolate is a brilliant happy place xx

  5. Tough day. I tend to get moody at certain *ahem* times ; ) Watching my two kids be happy to be with each other – and watching the happiness on the face of my daugher when she put on her new jammies. xxx Sooz

    • My *ahem* times can turn me into a growly monster, it is amazing how strong our hormones are. I try to acknowledge that its Ok to feel like I am and know that things that wouldn’t normally upset me might.
      Yet youstill found 2 fab happy places, involving your children. Big Hugs xx

  6. Georgie U says

    Can I join late? A hideous few months of severe clinical depression, and last night a tummy bug. Getting to that ‘life is too tough, I can’t do it’. It’s been hard work to shift my thought patterns.

    I’m so grateful for 3 stunningly beautiful children who make me smile and giggle, and an extra special hour yesterday with my 2 year old daughter and a reasonably priced, professional photographer, pretty tutus, fairy dress ups, hair flowers, little lambs (my wee girl calls them ‘ittle ‘ambs), tiny red-band gumboots and nature (fairy photo shoot). We had so! much! fun! I’m so grateful for (dun duh dun) the internet that has an abundence of useful resources – like this (if you look carefully). And banishing the guilt, a mother-in-law and teenaged neices who have braved the chance of getting ill to take care of my children today to help me get back on my feet. I, in fact, CAN do it.

    • Never too late to join a Happy Place and I do appreciate how difficult it is to change behavioural patterns but with very tiny steps each day, it is achieveble. Even if you stumble along the way, a small step can put you back on track. Slow and a steady. Definitely drop the guilt it produces nothing bar from more stress and anguish.
      Georgie I’m so pleased that you had a fun day with your Miss 2 and I hope you have many more with your three beautiful children.
      If you ever need to vent just drop me an email Nx

  7. My happy place is the security I feel from those that watch over my kids while I am at work.

  8. Wasn’t sure how my day was going to be since it started with my Miss 15 feeling sick and wanting to stay home from school, then I forgot the nice lunch I packed myself on the kitchen table and didn’t realize until I was already on the bumper to bumper highway, but the day was actually nice for a Monday (Calif. time) and the weather was a sunny, gorgeous 80 degrees by mid afternoon. Wanting to continue my exercise routine, I asked my Miss 17 if she wanted to join me. He siblings exercise regularly, but she does not. She needs motivation. She actually happily agreed and we had a nice 45 minute walk and chat. I am treasuring these moments with her since she’ll be off at college this time next fall. My other happy moment… finding dark chocolate covered edamame at my favorite market…yum! And they’re even good for you! 🙂

    • I love the way you mange to turn your day around 🙂 How the good weather makes you happy and of course chocolate that is good for you, well that’s certainly something to be happy about.
      Good you got time with your Miss 17, one to one mother and daughter time is so good for both of you. xx

  9. Catherine says

    Little hard to find my happy place today. A month of rain in one day on our first family holiday. Entertaining Mr 2 & Miss 1 has been somewhat challenging however a big dance session did bring a smile!

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