How I teach children Acceptance

Acceptance is not a one off sit down lesson in class. Acceptance is not just a topic you discuss every now and then. Acceptance is a daily value that is an important characteristic of who you are, it is a fundamental core value.  Acceptance of others and teaching your children acceptance starts with you because as a parent you are most influential human being in your child's life. What you say, … [Read more...]

After school activities: The over scheduled child.

Working with children takes every ounce of energy I have and then some, with possibly a glass of red at the end of the day. Their enthusiasm never ceases to bring me right into their moment, of course it helps that my career is centred around children and their behaviour. After twenty years I still have nothing concrete to give you, no magic answers. I see patterns, I see uniqueness and I see … [Read more...]

Building Empathy in children: Do you have kind eyes?

  Kind eyes doesn't mean you are a soft touch. Kind eyes doesn't mean people can walk all over you. Kind eyes simply mean you care. You care about yourself and you care for those you meet. Care doesn't mean you love or even like them. Care means you take a moment to perhaps think of the bigger picture in that you haven't walked in their shoes and you don't live their life. Kind eyes grasp … [Read more...]

101 Life Tips from Children

I have all the great kids I work with for these wonderful life tips, hope you find them as helpful as I have ;) Mr 6 " When you love someone don't kiss them on the bum but on their face" Miss 5 "Poo and chocolate can look the same on your hands, so don't take chocolate to the toilet" Mr 9 " When you play computer game with your dad, let him win once" Miss 6 "When you finish eating dinner say … [Read more...]

Confession: 17 years of ‘mothering fails’

I have a seventeen year old daughter, she's in her final year of high school. Next year my Miss 17 is off to see the world on a gap  year. My baby girl is a woman. Every day I'm amazed that she's all grown up, it blows me away. Before she was born I read every book available on having children. I wanted to parent 100% spot on. No parenting fails for me. It didn't quite work out like the perfect … [Read more...]

Behaviour: I have two faces. Do you?

Does anyone really know you? Do they know what goes in inside your head? Do they share the voices that you hear? Do they smile outwardly and hide the emotional pain they feel constantly? Is your day a constant one step forward, two steps back?  I fall into all of the above and I'm sure that I'm not alone. We have friends to share how we feel with, although we are scared to dump too much on them, … [Read more...]

But how do I change my behaviour?

So you really want to change? You feel down in the dumps, flatlining at the end of the day, it was a tough day, most days are and you get through them. We all have bad days, some people have absolutely horrific days everyday. My perception of my bad day, will not match yours. They are non comparable. There are far too many factors making us who we are alongside our own personal situation to … [Read more...]